Hans Koch GmbH | Glandorfer Straße 25 | 49196 Bad Laer | Telefon 05424 2972-0 | E-Mail: info@scheerkoch.de
You are able to view out machine in our permanent show room, set up and ready for your perusal!
Please feel free to book an appointment where we can present the machines to you.
Telephone 05424 2972-0 | Fax 0 54 24-29 72-50| Email: info@scheerkoch.de
Feel free to use our inquiry form for further inquiries online.
Showroom with various machines
BFC 1000
BS 5102V
Panel saw PA 4500
Conference room /
Meeting room
Standort Bad Laer – HANS KOCH GMBH, Glandorfer Strasse 25, D 49196 Bad Laer - Hardensetten